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Dersingham Walking Group ...

The Dersingham Walking Group was founded in 2005 to provide people from the village with the opportunity to enjoy guided country walks in the area. There are usually two walks each month, usually on the second and fourth Wednesday, with full details given in Village Voice and on this website. Each walk has a leader and is usually between 4 and 5 easy miles taking a couple of hours or so. Why not get some fresh air, exercise and enjoy our wonderful countryside, you'll be in good company!

Our Next Walks...

The letters and numbers in the Start Point description, for example TF672374, give the Ordnance Survey grid reference for the location. You can see the start point on a map by visiting and entering the grid reference there.

Wednesday July 10 2.00pm
Fields, woods, common and fen are all to be enjoyed on this walk around Roydon and its environs. About the usual 4 miles, starting point TF 701 228, the car park off Chapel Rd, Pott Row. Leader Tony Bubb 01485 542638.

The car park is quite large and has its entrance not far from the crossroads where Station Road crosses Lynn Road to become Chapel Road. You will notice the swings and other childrens' play equipment.

Wednesday July 24 2.00pm
A figure of eight circular walk along peaceful paths and lanes, including the ruins of Coxford Abbey and the old East Rudham railway station. Start from near Manor Farm, Old Fakenham Road, Coxford, just off the A148 TF 847 294. About 4.5 miles. Leader Stephen Martyn 07879 885516.

Wednesday August 14 2.00pm
A circuit of paths and lanes around Fring, including part of the Peddars Way national trail. Start point All Saints Church, Fring TF735 348 about 4.5 miles. Leader: Stephen Martyn 07879 885516.

Wednesday August 28 2.00pm
There are thousands of trees in the Sandringham Woods and Brian is going to take us past some of them on this 4 mile walk. We might even get to see some early fungi on our travels. Start point is the car park on Heath Rd Dersingham TF 686298. Leader Brian Eldridge 01485 540862.

Wednesday September 11 2.00pm
See the glory of late summer in the Norfolk countryside with this circular walk around the footpaths of Courtyard Farm. About 4 miles of delightful countryside. Start from the car park on the left off the minor Ringstead to Burnham road, about 0.7 miles east of Ringstead TF722 405. Leader: Stephen Martyn 07879 885516.

Wednesday September 25 1.45pm
A walk beside the Great Ouse and an explore of West Lynn starting with a trip on the ferry (£1.40). Note the earlier time as the ferry runs on the half hour so we will be aiming for the 2.00pm sailing. Start point at the free ferry car park TF 613203. Leader Tony Bubb 01485 542638.

Wednesday October 9 2.00pm
A visit to the peaceful village of Syderstone from which we walk around Syderstone Common, up to Barmer and back down Jack’s Lane. Start point St Mary’s Church, The Street, Syderstone TF833 326 about 4.5 miles. Leader: Stephen Martyn 07879 885516.

photo of the group near Appleton walking group on the beach walking group at Sandringham

Country walking is a real joy, and it's good for you ...

There's nothing like a good country walk to both relax and energise you at the same time. It's a real pleasure to just be out in the fresh air, and the health benefits are well known. Fortunately in Dersingham we have nearby access to some of the best country and coast walking in East Anglia, with many excellent routes starting right in the village.

The Dersingham Walking Group has a team of experienced leaders one of whom guides each of our walks. We are always looking to expand the number of leaders, so if you would like to join us please get in touch. Training is provided and we can also suggest suitable walks if necessary.

Speaking of walking routes, Cliff Jordan runs an excellent website called Whiffler's Walks which catalogues a large number of local walks. You can find a link to Cliff's website below. Look forward to seeing you with your boots on!

whiffler's walks website, with many local routes